Ep.2/ Sodi Murphy-Shrives


Sodi is effervescent, and I wish I had video for this interview to show you! Alas, you’ll have to imagine his wild, playful antics.



I saw Sodi (he/they) in a theatre production “The Last Brunch” (Darwent and Grey), and the bastard made me cry, such a beautiful performance! They’re a rising star in Naarm’s theatre scene (Melbourne Playback), acting up a storm, writing and directing too. We met through Bi+ community, and suddenly in each other’s orbits, and both being fans of eye contact and fast talking, had to be friends.

We chatted about envy and jealousy and figuring yourself out, in and out of relationships. How fucking different people in different ways with different bodies and genders can be so wonderful and sometimes confronting!

I’m totally taking the idea of ‘brandishing my gender’, like, HERE IT IS, I’m ready to fight with it!!



Sodi Murphy-Shrives


Ep.3/ Bella de Jac


Ep.1/ Liz Duck-Chong